
We believe that the community engagement model we use requires working in partnership with other groups. We honour and respect their work and look for ways to work together.

Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver

Collecting used textiles as a fundraising source

City of New Westminster

We meet the criteria for a partnership grant and, in turn, provide support and service to the citizens of our city

Arts New Westminster

Expressing loss through the various arts avenues

Seniors Services Society

Helping meet seniors’ needs

Century House

Working together on shared referrals to the Friendly Caller program.

Arrieta Art Studio

The studio’s key mission is to create a community that welcomes everyone and anyone into the art world.

New West Artists

We are a volunteer run, non-profit society created to support new and experienced artists.

100 Braid Studios

100 Braid St Studios is a co-working art studio for New Westminster and Lower Mainland artists that allows visitors to be inspired and to learn from the artists practising in the studio.

Cassady & Company

Cassady has been serving the community since 1911.

Local Businesses

Our pledge to buy local as much as possible